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Porsche Cayenne model wall




United States



  • Concepting
  • Design
  • Development


Why would we give away 750 sports cars?

Okay, the 750 Porsche Cayenne models were just that—models (1:43 of scale). We gave them away at a luxury shopping destination in Los Angeles, where we created an experience for "The new Cayenne. The world's most shareable sports car." To the delight of Angelenos, they could walk right up to a wall full of Cayennes and snatch one up.

"What I love about this idea is the engagement it begs, the way it literally puts a Porsche in your hands," said Marshal Ross, chief creative officer at C-K. "It's also a really smart way to get people to think about the sports car experience in a new way. A social way. That's the thing about sports cars people don't often recognize: They're fun to drive. But they're really fun to share."

To ensure we could also share this event with a larger audience, we captured the entire process – from set-up to the last Cayenne plucked off the wall – in time lapse and told the story across Porsche platforms and in the media.

We managed to make the world's most shareable sports car even more shareable. In a few short hours, we shared it with hundreds in LA. And now millions more, worldwide.