News & Press / June 13, 2024

TRIMM wins four awards at Dutch Interactive Awards


TRIMM, our Dutch member agency specializing in digital transformation for B2B clients within the high-tech and manufacturing sector, picked up four awards for two evolutionary projects at the Dutch Interactive Awards


Held in the Netherlands, the Dutch Interactive Awards highlight the best-in-business interactive work created by Dutch agencies. Entries are judged by an independent panel of professionals from the digital industry, and nominees are determined based on the concept, design, result, and optimization. 


TRIMM’s exceptional work saw them win gold in the B2B category for restructuring 247Tailorsteel’s existing software into a sleek, cloud-based application that streamlined the ordering process for their clients. As a result, customer order sizes have increased by 10%, and customers have rated the new application much higher than the previous Windows-based application. 


Similarly, TRIMM’s work on Nexperia's Interactive Datasheets won an additional two gold awards and one silver award. Building on their long-term partnership with Nexperia, and enshrining their collaborative efforts into the product journey, TRIMM pivoted Nexperia’s complex, manual spreadsheets into an interactive version that allows engineers to quickly and easily obtain real-time results. 


These are ground-breaking efforts for a new and more innovative future, and well-deserved wins for TRIMM. Congratulations!