News & Press / May 21, 2024

ICOM’s 2024 Annual Meeting Aims to Help Members Embrace Evolution As a Strategic Path for Growth

Inspiring Members to Combine Imaginative Thinking with Scientific Rigor

ICOM’s three-day World Meeting in Madrid starting May 21, hosted by its Spanish member, Darwin & Verne, brings together agency member principals from around the world to explore how each can amplify its voice and its value in an era of turbulent change.

ICOM is one of the world’s most geographically diverse global networks of independent marketing communication agencies with more than 70 agency members in 50+ countries across the globe, and provides agencies and clients with unmatched international capabilities, and growth opportunities. Members recognize there are significant changes in societal values that are deeply affecting their industry, and this meeting is designed around the belief that welcoming evolution as a strategic path for growth is essential to help agencies stay at the forefront of the industry and importantly better serve clients. Incorporated in this idea is that agencies must not lose sight of the importance of creativity, imagination, and fantasy while embracing AI, data, and analytics.

Among the speakers are Fernando Machado, a visionary global marketer known for his successes in cultivating brands and driving business growth. In his presentation, he shares essential industry shifts and transformative strategies for agencies that he believes will redefine agency-client dynamics. David C. Baker, author, speaker, advisor to entrepreneurial creatives, provides insight into how to lead steadily in a chaotic world, where emphasis is on balanced leadership and good decision-making to achieve and maintain success.

“Indeed, in an increasingly complex operating environment, the journey has become much more complicated for both agencies and clients,” said Bob Morrison, ICOM chairman and also chairman, Morrison Agency, Atlanta, GA, USA. “The insights and experiences of these two legendary marketing experts offer great value to our network and to our member agencies.”

Other speakers at this year’s meeting address the topic in broad terms as well as delve into key components such as how AI will impact the advertising business; how independent agencies can navigate this new terrain to not just survive but truly thrive.

This meeting also marks the launch of ICOM’s NextGen Talent Program designed to invest in the next generation of agency talent. Led by UK-based trainer, coach, and brand expert Barnaby Wynter, participants work on a real client brief from a major listed company, producer and marketer of renewable energy.

In recent years, ICOM has been engaging with member agencies beyond the owner and management level to involve talent from all ranks. The NextGen program is now being formalized and ongoing.

“If we want to drive the evolution of our network and individual independent agencies, and of course we do, we must provide a platform that aligns our beliefs from the core. That means we should be focusing equally on younger talent, many already with global aspirations and an international mindset,” said ICOM Executive Director Emma Keenan.

“In addition to creating more connections between ICOM agency staff and members, the program provides access to knowledge and experience beyond the boundaries of our local ecosystems. The network, the business owners, and agency talent will all benefit.” Before the Madrid meeting, global young talent collaborated virtually to address a communication need for the renewable energy company. Guided by ICOM mentors, the diverse team is now meeting in person in Madrid to finalize their RFP for presentation at the World Meeting, both to ICOM attendees and the client.

“We are honored to host the ICOM World Meeting this year,” said Darwin & Verne Executive President Miguel Pereira, who welcomed attendees. “And we are especially excited that the NextGen Talent Program is formally launching with an RFP for such an important and fast growing organization. We believe this client has a purpose and vision that aligns with the expectations and beliefs of today’s younger generation.”

ICOM is among the world’s largest and most geographically diverse networks of independent advertising and marketing communications agencies, with 70+ member agencies in 60-plus countries. Annual gross income exceeds US$500 million.

Media contacts: Emma Keenan, ICOM executive director, - +33 6 63 48 01 37
Nancy Giges, ICOM media relations director, +1-914-683-5108

ABOUT Darwin & Verne
Darwin & Verne is a creative brand consultancy and one of the most prominent independent agencies in Spain. It is currently the fifth independent agency by volume of investment managed (according to Infoadex 2020), and one of the agencies in Spain with the most satisfied clients. According to the AgencyScope 2022-23 study, Darwin & Verne ranks first among agencies in Spain in nine attributes (Good work methodology, Agency on the rise, Good production/craft execution, Managers involved in the account, Good team of professionals, Digital specialists/technicians, Effectiveness in solving problems, Meeting deadlines and Good account service), as rated by its clients.

In line with its commitment to innovation, it has created Phileas, a business unit specialized in Artificial Intelligence applied to marketing and creativity, which joins Beagle, based on Customer Experience from a creative approach. It has also incorporated Mazinn, a consulting firm on generation Z, into its ecosystem. Darwin & Verne is the Spanish agency of the international network of independent agencies ICOM, with presence in more than 60 markets around the world. In May 2024 is the host agency of the World Meeting in Madrid.